Standing Seam Roof Roll Forming Machine Metal Roofing Sheet Making Machine
(1) Plate Material: Galvanized plate
(2) Thickness of the plate : 0.3-1.2mm
(3) Wall thickness of the main forming machine: 25mm steel plate
(4)Reducer :3kw Xingxing Cycloid which works stably and no noise.
(5) Rollers: 9 steps
(6) Diameter of active shaft: 52mm, 45# steel
(7) Hydraulic pump power: 3KW
(8) PLC control systerm with inverter
(9)Woking Speed: 8-12m/min
(10) computer control PLC , Inverter , Encoder (Omron), Touch Screen etc

Qadoqlash tashish
Qattiq oqish bilan xavfsiz paket va LCL yuk tashish uchun yaxshi yog'och paket.
Bizning hamkorimiz sifatida mashhur yuk tashish kompaniyasi,
O'z vaqtida yetkazib berish,
To'liq sug'urta.

Bizning xizmatlar
We supply products, we supply servce, we try to attach some of drawings we did. for your reference.:
Followed are the machines we made, for your reference. Any of your request will be appreciated!

kafolat:1 year warranty from date of shipment
1: Guaranteed against malfunctions due to manufacturing defects for 1 year after date of purchase. Repairs will be made free of charge.
2: Repairs will not be performed free of change even during the guarantee period in the follow circumstances
- Damage occurs due to a natural disaster
-Malfunction occurs due to user error
- Malfunction occurs due to modifications
- Malfunction occurs due to further movement or shipment after installation
3:Air ticket, transportation cost, hotel, meals and 30$ per day shall be for purchaser’s account if manufacturer’s engineer has to be send to purchaser’s factory to maintain the machine during the guarantee period.
Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot
Shijiazhuang Yingyee Import & Export Co., Ltd.
YINGYEE turli xil sovuq shakllantiruvchi mashinalar va avtomatik ishlab chiqarish liniyalariga ixtisoslashgan ishlab chiqaruvchi. Bizda professional mahsulotlar va tegishli xizmatlarni taklif etadigan yuqori texnologiyali va mukammal savdoga ega ajoyib jamoamiz bor. Biz miqdorga va xizmatdan keyingi xizmatga e'tibor qaratdik, barcha mijozlardan ajoyib fikr va hurmatga sazovor bo'ldik. Xizmatdan keyingi xizmat uchun ajoyib jamoamiz bor. Mahsulotlarni o'rnatish va sozlashni tugatish uchun xizmat ko'rsatish guruhidan keyin bir nechta yamoqlarni chet elga jo'natdik.
Mahsulotlarimiz allaqachon 20 dan ortiq mamlakatlarga sotilgan. Shuningdek, AQSh va Germaniya ham bor.
Asosiy mahsulot:
Tom rulosini shakllantirish mashinasi
C va Z purlin rulosini shakllantirish mashinasi
Pastga trubka rulosini shakllantirish mashinasi
Gidravlik ochuvchi
Yengil o'ralgan rulonni shakllantirish mashinasi
Bükme mashinasi
Kesish mashinasi
Kesish mashinasi
Rolikli panjurli eshik rulosini shakllantirish mashinasi
O'qitish va o'rnatish
1 We offer installation service local in paid, reasonable charge.
2 QT test is welcome and professional.
3. agar tashrif buyurmasa va o'rnatilmasa, qo'llanma va foydalanish qo'llanmasi ixtiyoriydir.
Sertifikatlash va xizmatdan keyin
Match the technology standard, ISO producing certification
Idoralar sertifikati
12 months warranty since the delivery. Board.
Bizning afzalligimiz:
Short delivery period.
Samarali aloqa
Interface customized.