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pu sendvich panel ishlab chiqarish liniyasi

At YINGYEE we manufacture super cool panels that make them buildings the perfect temperature. You can think of these panels as a giant beefy sandwich capable of maintaining warm indoor temps in winter and cool indoor temps in summer. Each of our special panels is thoughtfully crafted and brilliantly designed.

We're going to talk about the making of these cool panels! We begin with this soft, puffy foam, in the center. Now this foam is a little different because it aids heat retention, and those heat transfer properties. Then we apply metal sheets to either side of the foam. We employ a really strong gel which binds everything excellently. The equivalent to the kind of plates you would make for a sandwich, but made with metal and foam instead!

High-Quality Panels Made with Cutting-Edge Technology

We use huge, intelligent machines operating all day long. The machines essentially act like robot helpers churning out panels at a blistering pace. They don’t get tired, and they ensure that each and every panel looks precisely the same.” Which means that each panel is unique compared to another – and they are all flawless! Our machines create tons of panels without any mistake.

Why choose YINGYEE pu sandwich panel production line?

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