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Ever look at a screw and think to yourself, how did someone make so many of those? Awesome machine that can produce tons of screws within few minutes! These unique machines are called High Speed Thread Rolling Machines and they give a near magical result.

Think of a large, extended chunk of metal. Now imagine how they can turn one piece into thousands of tiny screws, which is exactly what these machines are capable of! The machine grips the metal and spins it exceedingly fast. It’s as if a piece of metal is rotated, round and round, until it turns into little perfect screws. No matter how many screws you pull out, they all look the same.

High Speed Thread Rolling Machines for Efficient Manufacturing

Manufacturers who produce screws have two primary goals — to make screws as quickly as possible, but also to ensure that each screw they produce is perfect. These machines do both for them! The machine, when it works, produces screws that are all exactly equal in size and shape. No screw is too big or too small - every one is just right, every one is to size.

Screws come in some very hard materials such as steel. These special machines are powerful enough for that! They can spin solid metal really quickly, which allows workers to create screws without tiring out. The machine basically did most of the heavy lifting for them.”

Why choose YINGYEE high speed thread rolling machine?

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