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Mesin roll forming sistem downpipe

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Mesin Pembentuk Talang Logam Mesin Pembentuk Gulungan Dingin untuk Dijual Dari Produsen Cina

Mesin Pembentuk Talang Logam Mesin Pembentuk Gulungan Dingin untuk Dijual Dari Produsen Cina

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Aplikasi Produk

Downspout Cold Roll Forming Machine can bend the roll formed pipe, and let the drainpipe and the bending connect to be the whole. The product after roll forming has long working time than the tranditional ppc pipe, and not aging. It can make the project more integrate, and help to enhance the image of the all project.

Water gutter cold roll forming machine is composed of uncoiler, the feed leading table, the main machine, the formation cutting device, hydraulic system, control system and the product bracket.

Downspout Bending machine

More Pictures About Machines:

Gambar Detil

About Drawing:

We can provide the professional Drawing of Both Round and Square downpipe for you. 

Produksi Akhir:

                                               For Downspipe.


 Produksi Akhir:
                              For Gutter.

For Cutting system:

The sawing we use ensures the flatness of the cut

Layanan kami
Pengepakan & pengiriman
Program Terkait

PERSEDIAAN! Mesin roll forming C/Z purlin otomatis

91.8% Tingkat tanggapan

PERSEDIAAN! Big Span roll forming machine         YY-914-610

91.8% Tingkat tanggapan

China First 40m/min Light keel roll forming machine

91.8% Tingkat tanggapan

Tentang kami

Shijiazhuang Yingyee Impor & Ekspor Co, Ltd.
YINGYEE is the manufacturer specialized in various cold forming machineries and automatic production lines. We have a wonderful team with highly technology and excellent sales, which offer professional products and related service. We paid attention to quantity and after service, got great feedback and honor from all the clients. We have a great team for after service. We have sent several patch after service team to oversea to finish the products installation and adjustment.
Our products were sold to more than 20 countries already. Also included US and Germany.

Produk utama :
Mesin pembuat gulungan atap
Mesin pembuat gulungan pintu rana rol
C and Z purlin roll forming machine
Mesin pembuat gulungan pipa bawah
Light keel roll forming machine
Mesin pembuat gulungan pagar pembatas
Mesin pembuat gulungan penyimpanan
Mesin pembuat gulungan baki kabel
Mesin geser
Dekoiler hidrolik
Mesin pembengkok
menggorok mesin

Layanan kami

Instalasi dan pelatihan:

1. Kami menawarkan layanan pemasangan lokal dengan biaya masuk akal dan berbayar.
2. Tes QT diterima dan profesional.
3. manual dan panduan penggunaan adalah opsional jika tidak ada kunjungan dan tidak ada instalasi. 

Sertifikasi dan setelah layanan

1. Sesuai dengan standar teknologi, sertifikasi penghasil ISO
2. Sertifikasi CE
3. Garansi 12 bulan sejak pengiriman. Papan. 

Keuntungan kami: 

1. Jangka waktu pengiriman yang singkat.
2. Komunikasi yang efektif
3. Interface customized


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