Ríomhphost Linn: [email protected]

Glaoigh orainn: + 86-311 85415145

Gach Catagóirí

meaisín painéal ceapaire pu

YINGYEE produces machines that assist with the production of using a unique process known as PU. PU is short for polyurethane which is a very useful plastic. A new method of producing panels is far superior to an old peer as it is much faster and has pressing strength of panels is greater. PU technology has enhanced the quality of the panels greatly and these can last for several years without failure.

Efficient and versatile panel manufacturing

YINGYEE’s machines enable factories to produce a wide variety of panels for a range of uses, such as walls for homes and roofs for buildings. These machines operate quickly and efficiently and can churn out hundreds of panels in a fraction of the time. It is more economical because less waste is generated in the process. If factories produce more panels quickly, they will be able to meet the demand and please more customers – greener for business as well.

Why choose YINGYEE pu sandwich panel machine?

Catagóirí táirgí gaolmhara

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Iarr Athfhriotail Anois

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